Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ommiting Raxworthy

Running up the alley way, he sensed somthing, maybe someone, behind him, tredding lightly behind him. His teacher had been right in saying he would learn to sense things, all those years ago, and now hard train in those arts had paid off. The footfalls became that little bit louder, meanwhile jason increased his speed. He ducked behind a bush. It was just starting to become light, being five a.m. He waits for a minute, and he see's it was someone all along, holding a crowbar with both hands.

Jason then steps, clutching his 1979 combat knife, takes a running jump and throws himself at the now fairly visible man. Jason brings the knife up viciously up the small of his back which brings them both crashing to the ground.

He hears the man muttering incoherently. The stranger turns over, and with obivious pain, says "if that had only been real..."

They both get up, and jason, says "so Darren, it's been good to get that practice in, eh? Well need it sooner or later". Darren rubbing his shoulder, from the rubber knife, said " yeh, but its not you getting banged around is it."

Just then they hear a loud explosion, " get down" yells Jason...


Andy said...

Yeah... cool stuff...

John Sinclair said...

I thought for a minute there that jason was one of those dodgy characters that carry combat knives with them wherever they go.

Si said...

'always looking on the bright side of life' From monty python

Andy said...

Dodgy munter, mohawk guy!

Andy said...

I still can't work out why you called it "ommiting Raxworthy"... explanation required cheers,